Cari Duit Lebih Untuk Beli Rumah

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Artikel ni aku dpt dari newspaper daily mail UK...aku taknak explain pjg2 tp korang baca la sendiri artikel kat bawah ni...dahsyat perempuan ni, sanggup buat apa saja keja dgn bayaran cuma GBP 1 semata2 nak kumpul duit utk beli rumah impian dia...
Kalau kita, sanggup ker nak buat macam dia?...yg kita tau, nak komplen jer, apsal bank tak approve la, bank bg loan 80% jer, apsal rumah2 semakin mahal la, tp kita x terpikir plak nak increase saving, nak carik duit lbh utk beli rumah rumah, tambah asset kita....pikir2kan..hehehe

The mother with a million things to do: Teacher saves up for her dream home... by doing odd jobs for just a £1

When she saw the luxurious Edwardian mansion on the market, Chrissi Sharkey fell in love instantly.

There was just one major drawback preventing her from snapping it up: the £1million price tag.

So the part-time textiles teacher hatched an ingenious plan to raise the money – taking any job for a minimum payment of just £1.

Now, ten months on, Mrs Sharkey, 29, has earned an extra £15,000 by tackling a variety of jobs including bra testing, cleaning, fashion design, cake-making, catering, creating greetings cards, business consultancy, website creation and accounting.

She knows her dream home will be sold before she can save up the funds – but she is determined to earn enough to buy one just like it.

Since launching her website in June last year, the mother of two has been inundated with requests.

One came from a person who wanted her to cut their toe nails, while another asked her to clean the dog mess from someone’s lawn.

She is happy to do almost anything, but she did draw the line when one woman asked her to sew kippers into the curtains of her former husband’s new home.

In fact, Mrs Sharkey has been so busy working all hours of the day that her electrician husband Jason, 34, contacted her via her website and offered her £25 to clean their house.

The determined entrepreneur is still a long way from her target of buying the five-bedroom property in Kennington, near Oxford, but says she aims to work harder and harder.

Mrs Sharkey, who lives in a £200,000 semi-detached home in Oxford with Jason and their children Deluca, four, and Rocco, two, said: ‘As a mother of two, I am used to juggling a million things to do anyway so I am just increasing the workload slightly.

'I don’t do all of the tasks on my own. I’ve recruited my whole family. ‘They’ll get paid for their work and I’ll take a small work-finding commission.’

Enlarge Sharkey

Ultimate goal: Mrs Sharkey's ten months of toil has all been toward this £1 million Oxford home. Astonishingly, she admits she has never visited it or seen inside
Chrissi's dream kitchen in the Edwardian-style country home

Concept: Mrs Sharkey's dream kitchen in the Edwardian-style country home

She came up with the business concept in April last year after discovering the luxury mansion for sale for a guide price of £995,000.

She said: ‘When I saw this beautiful house I thought: “I want to be able to afford that”. ‘I actually Googled something like “how to become a millionaire” and came across the concept that little by little earnings can add up.

‘I started thinking that I knew how to do a lot of things and even if I charged £1 to do something like sew a button on a shirt, that could start adding up.’
Enlarge Chrissi Sharkey set up an internet site to seek out paid work

Website: Chrissi Sharkey set up an internet site to seek out paid work
Mrs Sharkey said, 'My family's never expressed worry about how much I do because they know I'm happy to keep going all the time'

Living room: Mrs Sharkey said, 'My family's never expressed worry about how much I do because they know I'm happy to keep going all the time'

Since launching her website in June last year, Chrissi has been inundated with requests

Entrepreneur: Since launching her website in June last year, Chrissi has been inundated with requests

Almost a year on, she has had more than 11,000 visitors to her website. She promises that any job will be seriously considered and the final fee is agreed between her and the employer.

Mrs Sharkey said: ‘Some people have been quite critical about how long they believe it is going to take me to reach my goal.

‘But if the house gets sold I'm sure I’ll find another one I like!’


Operasi di Bangi

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Hari ni aku ada 2 appointment kat Bangi...dua2 kat Sri Anggerik..mula2 nak jumpa client aku, dia nak tgk rumah kat situ..lps tu operasi memasang kipas kat rumah aku, blok belakang jer...aku janji dgn tenant nak pasang lama dah, tp ari ni baru berkelapangan..pagi2 lg dah keluar rumah..client aku ni nak beli Apartment Sri Anggerik...tmpt ni mmg hot utk sewa..student UKM ramai sewa sini...rumah aku tu pun sampai skrg ada lg org call nak sewa...

client aku ni buat bisnes sendiri..memang power la..ada 3 kedai dobi, 1 bisnes buat software & wifey bukak butik. Masyuk2..Memang tabik la, umur baru 32 dah ada bisnes sendiri..

Pukul 9:30 pg aku dah sampai..sementara tunggu client, aku tinggal keta kat car wash utk dicuci..Rumah yg aku nak pi tgk ni ada tenant, tp aku tak penah jumpa lg...dah berkali2 aku call tak penah owner ckp wife dia mmg selalu ada kat, aku gamble jer la.

Before buyer sampai, aku pi tgk dulu...ketuk punya ketuk last skali ada sorg pompuan keluar dgn aku mintak izin nak masuk tgk rumah..kesian aku kat kakak ni, dhaif nya..rumah kosong xde apa satu perabut pun, cuma tmpt masak jer..rumah berlantai pun takde tikar getah...kesian plak aku...husband keja jaga jer..rezeki masing2kan..kita yg hidup senang sket ni, kena la selalu bersyukur..dan jgn plak kita lupa kat org yg lebih memerlukan daripada kita..bantula diorg seadanya..tak kirala dgn apa cara skali pun...zakat ker (yg ni wajib), sedekah ker atau plg teruk pun doala kat diorg...

tak lama lps tu buyer pun sampai..lps tgk2, buyer pun setuju nak beli, on the spot tu..hehehe..rezeki aku la esok kena cargas pi bank check loan bleh lps ker tidak.

Lepas jer jumpa client, aku terus ke rumah sewa aku..yg pasang kipas ni pun sedara2 aku jugak..kira kroni la ni, so dpt la diskaun sket..hehehe..aku dah bg kunci awal2 lg kat diorg..aku sampai diorg dah start keja..pasang kipas, tambah suis dgn alih lampu...kena buat wiring semula cos ada suis lampu jer..lampu pun kena alih pasang kat dinding...aku beli kipas second hand jer..jenama National..RM 75 satu, ok la..kualiti still bagus...pasang kat master bedroom dgn bilik nombor 2 yg x blh tahan, controller dia jenama Penosonic..hahaha..lawak2..Pensonic aku penah dengar la...apa2 jela..yg penting blh guna, lgpun umah sewa jer, kalu umah aku nak duduk kena letak yg elok2 sket la..hehehe

Pukul 1:30 tghari baru settle semua..aku blanja la diorg pi pekena nasi kukus kat seksyen 4 tambahan..saja nak raikan diorg. Pukul 3 baru sampai rumah..ptg ada org nak dtg tengok rumah yg aku sewa skrg ni...aku nak pindah, so owner mintak aku carikan tenant ganti aku..aku charge la sewa sebln & tenancy agreement fees as agent situation la...owner dpt tenant, aku plak dpt fee sbb tlg tenant carikkan pngganti aku..kira okla tu, owner tak payah susah2 dah..hehehe..bisnes maaa.

Lps Asar ex-schoolmate aku kat MRSM nak jumpa plak..kebetulan dia kat area umah aku, survey apartment utk lelong, so member ajak la aku minum...member aku ni pun minat properties mcm aku la jugak...byk ler menda2 yg diborak kan..syiok jugak jumpa member yg ada minat sama mcm kitakan..baru best borak..hehehe..

Okla..dah melalut aku ni..apa2pun layan jer gambar operasi kat bawah tu..hehehe..salam


Career Change?

>> Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dah lama aku tak update blog ni..bukan apa, lately ni busy sket...balik kampung ambik wifey..almaklumla baru abih berpantang, tu yg tak sabar nak bawak balik kl tu...heheh.

Lgpun la ni aku tgh dok pening about my future...i mean my career

Pasal apa aku cakap mcm tu?...last week aku dpt offer keja kat tmpt baru...tak payah la aku disclose kat mana tp bank la jugak..a local bank. Ni tgh dok pening pikir nak accept ker tak offer tu..the offer lbh kurang sama dgn bank yg aku keja skrg la jugak tp yg bestnya normal working hours & dpt staff loan rate utk housing & car loan.. cuti ikut malaysia public holiday and time utk famili lg byk..tu yg penting bg aku..kalu keja tungging terbalik (bahasa kedah)tp time dgn famili takdak pun tak guna jugak

Cumanya dgn time keja aku yg odd hours skrg ni aku ada byk masa utk concentrate kat real estate agent yg dah genap sethn aku dok buat least ada jugak side income, blh la aku buat modal kumpul rumah lelong..hehehe. kalu aku tukar keja, susah la sket..masa mana nak buat keja kalu blk keja maghrib, sampai umah apa2 pun semua terletak pd aku jugak...aku keja kat mana2 pun blh buat as a part timer, cuma kena pandai bahagi masa la..nak seribu daya tak nak seribu dalih..

Kalu dah steady real estate tu nanti blh la aku bukak agency sendiri..ala macam satu solution tu...yg tgh femes skrg ni(bri, jgn lupa komisen lps ni sbb tlg promote kompeni hang..hahaha)

Target aku, seblm umur 40 aku dah blh berenti makan gaji & start keja sendiri..tak kesah la buat apa pun, janji keja sendiri la & semestinya keja tu halal la..takde la nak merompak bank plak..hahaha..time tu let's money work for me, not I work for money...mcm Robert Kiyosaki tulih dlm buku dia tu...hehehe.

Apa2pun aku still ada masa lagi nak decide whether to accept the offer or not...aku rasa aku dah tau apa keputusannya tp kena jugak buat istikharah mintak Allah tunjuk mana yg terbaik utk aku..

korang doa2kan la jugak yg terbaik utk aku..


How to Save Income Tax

>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

Since sekarang masing2 tengah sibuk buat filing untuk income tax, so aku nak share few infos on how we can reduce from paying too much income tax...this article I got from a financial website...make sure we keep the receipts for all related least for the next 7 years

How to Save Income Tax

In fact, in order to save yourself from paying too much income tax, you will need to increase your spending most of the time. Let’s break it down to two major categories – the first consists of strategies that won’t require extra spending, the latter consists of strategies that require you to spend more in order to save the amount of tax payable.
Strategies that don’t require extra spending

* Stop being employed
* Start your own business
* Become a business owner
* Become an investor
* Become a boss
* Set up a company

All the above methods give you a whole new perspective. Your income will be taxed differently. Most of your necessary expenses will be tax deductible.

Just in case you are wondering what is the difference of all the above, they are actually the same. Businesses are being taxed differently by the government simply because they provide jobs to the people who like to be employed and pay more taxes.

However, for personal income tax planning, there are still a few methods that don’t require extra spending. But you will have to park your money in the right place:

* Save education funds in Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (maximum RM3000)
* EPF contribution and life insurance premium (maximum RM6000)
* Education plan and medical insurance premium (maximum RM3000)
* Ask your employers to reduce your monthly salary but increase your EPF contributions by the same amount
* Change “Fixed allowances” to “reimbursement” based on receipt

Strategies that DO require extra spending

* Donation to registered and approved charities under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Ordinance
* Take up further education or professional courses
* Buy books, journals, magazines and other publications
* Buy sports and exercise equipment
* Pay your parents’ medical bills
* Do a full medical examination
* Pay Zakat (only applicable to Muslims)
* Buy a computer
* Hire a tax consultant

The problem of paying too much income tax is a good problem to have. Only high-income-earners face the trouble of paying too much tax money.

I would like to congratulate you if you think you are paying a lot of income tax. After all, that’s a “good problem” to be worried about.

Disclaimer: I am not a tax agent, nor tax consultant. I don’t even file my own income tax. (It is done by my accountant). This article just provides my general view about tax-saving methods. If IRB questions you regarding possible tax evasion or tax avoidance, please don’t tell that I teach you all these :) Anything that is unsure, please consult a professional tax consultant.


Mentari Court oh Mentari Court

>> Monday, April 5, 2010

Bulan 11 tahun lepas aku (actually wifey aku) ada beli umah kat Mentari Court, subsale...aku dpt dari owner RM105K tp aku mark up loan, dpt la sket cash utk aku invest beli rumah lain plak...hehehe

Yang aku nak cerita ni bukan pasal rumah tu, tp pasal bank vendor..vendor buat loan dgn bank XXX (kena sensored, nanti aku kena saman plak kang..hahaha)..local bank, so what do u expect...sori la, maybe aku keja dgn international bank, tu yg perception aku kat local bank ni lain sikit...sori kawan2 yg keja local bank tak semua local bank teruk, ada jugak yg bagus...

Berbalik kepada cerita pasal bank vendor aku ni(aku namakan bank XXX..hehehe), aku dah sign s&p bulan 11 last year lg. Aku buat loan dgn RHB aku dah release redemption payment to bank XXX pada 1/03/2010. so, hutang vendor dgn bank XXX dah settle..the next step is, bank XXX will release security documents to RHB Islamic in order for RHB to release the balance payment to vendor & myself...then, lawyer akan register kat high court, barulah legally rumah tu jadik hak aku (wifey aku).

Yang aku bengang nya, sampai sekarang bank XXX tak release2 security docs tu lagi...padahal bukannya susah pun..document dah ada, pass jer la kat RHB tu..dah sebulan lebih dah...bila lawyer aku call diorg cakap tengah process...jawapan standard...yg buat aku lagi bengang, RHB dah mintak aku bayar interest last month...RM250 jugak la sebln...kalu bulan ni tak settle jugak, kena keluar duit lagi...bengang betul..free2 jer aku bagi duit kat bank...tadi lawyer aku message "to date XXBank bg status, we wl cl u by d latest this thursday"..huh..lagi mau mintak extend....apa barang??, aku kena tunggu Khamis ni..kalu takde apa2 jugak, aku akan ambil tindakan yg lebih agresif..

Vendor la untung sekarang ni...monthly payment dah tak kena bayar, lps tu bulan2 makan duit sewa free2 jer la...selagi tak register atas nama wifey aku, selagi tu kitorang tak boleh buat apa2 kat rumah tu...aku ada call owner, nak mintak amik awal sket rumah tu, aku nak repair sket2 apa yang patut...jgn harap la nak dapat, owner pun hardcore investor, dia lagi pandai...hehehe

Maybe ni pengajaran buat aku jugak la...
1. next time kalu nak beli rumah, make sure bank vendor bukan bank XXX lg..kalu bank XXX, sori,aku takkan beli rumah tu..huhu
2. baik beli lelong, kalu rumah tak settle lagi pun dah boleh sewa (kalu legallly memang tak boleh la, tapi ramai orang buat, so, apa salahnya kita buat jugak..hehehe)


Salam Perkenalan

>> Sunday, April 4, 2010

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera rakan2 semua

Dengan bangganya aku nak launch 1st ever blog yg ntah apa2 ntah ni..hehehe..since trend zaman sekarang ni blh dikatakan semua orang dah ada blog, so aku pun teringin jugak nak ada blog..hehehe...bukan apa, blh la aku share dgn korang semua cerita2 semasa & share pandangan aku tentang apa2 je la...beside that, aku boleh blajar2 pasal penulisan, manala tau kot2 nak berenti keja nanti blh jadik penulis bebas, blh karang buku, bln2 makan duit royalty buku pun jadik la, blh generate passive income dah tu...hehehe

dalam blog ni aku akan cerita semua benda pasal apa yang aku pikir sesuai la..tak tertumpu pada satu2 topik jer..tu yg aku letak title "everything is about personal and money" of course the main topics are financial, money & properties (hartanah)...pasai ni topik yg plg aku suka..hehehe

Okla...tak nak sembang panjang2 since ni 1st posting aku, cukup dulu setakat ni...lgpun mood skrg mood bercuti..maklumla org rumah tgh pantang kat kg..hehehe.
apa2pun terima la aku seadanya di dunia blogging ni..hehehe..any comments or suggestions to improve my blog are most welcome....jumpa lg di lain masa...chiow...salam


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