Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Apa Yang Saya Mahu?

>> Friday, June 11, 2010

Dah lama betul takde posting baru kat blog aku ni...2-3 minggu ni agak sibuk uruskan pasal rumah sewa, masuk perabot, tukar nama, settle bill2 tertunggak posting nanti aku update pasal rumah sewa aku tu

3 minggu lepas jugak aku ada attend seminar Hartawan Hartanah anjuran Bri & partners. Seminar yang sangat bagus dan byk membuka minda aku pasal properties investment ni..lps seminar tu aku ambik masa agak lama jugak utk "cooling off period", berpikir dan merancang arah tuju aku slps ni..mengatur strategi dan tindakan yg perlu diambil utk mencapai matlamat aku..skrg ni aku dah start bertindak sikit2, consolidate commitment aku, bukak akaun utk wealth cycle investing (WCL) kata biar buat sikit2 dulu, daripada tak buat apa2 langsung kan?

Rules of thumbs utk menjadi org yg success dlm apa saja yg kita buat, especially dlm properties investments ni kita kena ada jawapan kepada 2 soalan yg penting: 1."Apa yang saya mahu" dan 2."kenapa saya mahu?".

Jawapan untuk soalan pertama mesti jelas; apa, bila, berapa...ala, macam korang jawab paper sejarah kat sekolah dulu2 la..mesti cikgu cakap, jawapan kamu mesti jelas, ada fact & figure, baru blh dapat markah lebi..hehehe..Cthnya: "Saya mahu jadi kaya dengan net worth 1 juta dalam masa 10 tahun akan datang" Jawapan tu clear kan? . Jawapan utk soalan ke-2 adalah push factor utk kita bertindak mencapai apa yg kita mahu. Jawapan ada dlm diri kita, seblm tetapkan matlamat kita, siapkan dulu jawapan utk 2 soalan ni.

Once we know our goals, than we have to be focused on whatever we do to achieve it. Apa sajer halangan dan cabaran yg mendatang mesti ditempuhi dgn tabah..ceh, ayat skema..hehehe

Alang2 nak set goal, biar set yg tinggi2, walaupun nampak macam mustahil..biar org kata mcm angan2 mat jenin pun...ayah aku selalu sebut dulu "Always aims for the stars don't aim for the moon, becuase if you failed you'll land on the moon"...amacam, boleh?..



>> Monday, May 3, 2010

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Sejak 1-2 minggu ni aku rasa macam down sket..mcm2 benda yg telah & akan berlaku kat a real estate agent plak, dah beberapa bulan aku tak close deal..listing rumah ada, tp tak dapat nak close lg..maybe lately ni aku sibuk dgn pindah rumah, pindah tempat keja, etc so pikiran aku byk fokus kat benda2 ni dari keja part time aku..

semlm aku tergerak hati nak jumpa mentor aku dlm real estate ni, abg mat...dia la yg bertanggungjawab bawak aku masuk line real estate ni, as an agent..aku kenai dgn dia pun masa aku tgh dok carik rumah utk dibeli area bangi..dia la antara agen yg aku tak berjaya close tp lastly dia approach aku utk jd real estate agent. Byk la yg dia cerita kat aku pasal real estate & properties ni, which is for me very interesting, yg membuatkan aku decide to know more about it. Bermula dari situ la aku mula berjinak2 dgn bidang ni..x sampai pun sethn lg..tak setahun jagung pun..hehehe..bln 6 ni baru 1st anniversary aku..

InsyaAllah, aku target satu hari nanti aku akan buat keja ni secara full time...aku rasa jiwa aku dah mula sebati dgn properties ni..skrg ni aku tgh build up foundation..kenal2 dgn valuers, bankers, agent2 lain, lawyers etc. Kena close byk deal lagi to gain more experience...Wifey aku pun byk bagi support utk aku buat full time keja ni...but not now, until u think u're stable enough & can stand without a fix income...katanya. Thanks Dear for the support :-)

Berbalik pada cerita mentor aku ni...aku panggil dia mentor cos dia byk bg nasihat & tunjuk ajar kat aku..since aku pun baru as a real estate agen, so aku perlukan seorg mentor..even dlm Islam pun ajar kita utk belajar dgn guru/mentor..apa2 yg kita nak buat/belajar, mesti carik guru..

Abg Mat pesan kat aku kalu nak buat keja ni, kita kena jujur, ikhlas dan amanah..jgn sekali2 menipu...jgn cepat berputus asa, kalu setakat 2-3 kali tak close deal tu jgn cepat mengeluh...Allah tu maha adil, Dia dah tetapkan rezeki untuk setiap hamba-Nya...yang penting kita kena berusaha, yakin, kuat semangat, berdoa dan bertawakal...dia cerita kat aku sepanjang 4 thn dia buat real estate ni, dah berpuluh2 kali dia kena tipu dgn orang; owner, buyers etc...kadang2 tu rezeki dah dpn mulut, tp x dpt jugak..ada sekali tu 3 bln berturut2 dia x dpt close deal...nasib baik bini keja, blh cover, nak bayar keta la, rumah la, anak2 sekolah, makan minum..sedih jugak aku dgr cerita dia...dia pesan lagi, kalu boleh amalkan solat sunat Dhuha, InsyaAllah Tuhan akan bukakan pintu rezeki tanpa kita sedari...selalu berdoa, x kira dlm apa keadaan dan situasi pun, kerana doa itu senjata org Mukmin.semua ni aku tau, cuma kadang2 tu biasala, manusia nikan pelupa, kena ada org ingatkan...hehehe

Banyak la nasihat& pengalaman yg dia share dgn aku yg menjadi pembakar semangat untuk aku terus mara ke depan...Harap korang pun dapat la sket apa yg aku kongsikan kat sini utk pedoman semua...salam.


Cari Duit Lebih Untuk Beli Rumah

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Artikel ni aku dpt dari newspaper daily mail UK...aku taknak explain pjg2 tp korang baca la sendiri artikel kat bawah ni...dahsyat perempuan ni, sanggup buat apa saja keja dgn bayaran cuma GBP 1 semata2 nak kumpul duit utk beli rumah impian dia...
Kalau kita, sanggup ker nak buat macam dia?...yg kita tau, nak komplen jer, apsal bank tak approve la, bank bg loan 80% jer, apsal rumah2 semakin mahal la, tp kita x terpikir plak nak increase saving, nak carik duit lbh utk beli rumah rumah, tambah asset kita....pikir2kan..hehehe

The mother with a million things to do: Teacher saves up for her dream home... by doing odd jobs for just a £1

When she saw the luxurious Edwardian mansion on the market, Chrissi Sharkey fell in love instantly.

There was just one major drawback preventing her from snapping it up: the £1million price tag.

So the part-time textiles teacher hatched an ingenious plan to raise the money – taking any job for a minimum payment of just £1.

Now, ten months on, Mrs Sharkey, 29, has earned an extra £15,000 by tackling a variety of jobs including bra testing, cleaning, fashion design, cake-making, catering, creating greetings cards, business consultancy, website creation and accounting.

She knows her dream home will be sold before she can save up the funds – but she is determined to earn enough to buy one just like it.

Since launching her website in June last year, the mother of two has been inundated with requests.

One came from a person who wanted her to cut their toe nails, while another asked her to clean the dog mess from someone’s lawn.

She is happy to do almost anything, but she did draw the line when one woman asked her to sew kippers into the curtains of her former husband’s new home.

In fact, Mrs Sharkey has been so busy working all hours of the day that her electrician husband Jason, 34, contacted her via her website and offered her £25 to clean their house.

The determined entrepreneur is still a long way from her target of buying the five-bedroom property in Kennington, near Oxford, but says she aims to work harder and harder.

Mrs Sharkey, who lives in a £200,000 semi-detached home in Oxford with Jason and their children Deluca, four, and Rocco, two, said: ‘As a mother of two, I am used to juggling a million things to do anyway so I am just increasing the workload slightly.

'I don’t do all of the tasks on my own. I’ve recruited my whole family. ‘They’ll get paid for their work and I’ll take a small work-finding commission.’

Enlarge Sharkey

Ultimate goal: Mrs Sharkey's ten months of toil has all been toward this £1 million Oxford home. Astonishingly, she admits she has never visited it or seen inside
Chrissi's dream kitchen in the Edwardian-style country home

Concept: Mrs Sharkey's dream kitchen in the Edwardian-style country home

She came up with the business concept in April last year after discovering the luxury mansion for sale for a guide price of £995,000.

She said: ‘When I saw this beautiful house I thought: “I want to be able to afford that”. ‘I actually Googled something like “how to become a millionaire” and came across the concept that little by little earnings can add up.

‘I started thinking that I knew how to do a lot of things and even if I charged £1 to do something like sew a button on a shirt, that could start adding up.’
Enlarge Chrissi Sharkey set up an internet site to seek out paid work

Website: Chrissi Sharkey set up an internet site to seek out paid work
Mrs Sharkey said, 'My family's never expressed worry about how much I do because they know I'm happy to keep going all the time'

Living room: Mrs Sharkey said, 'My family's never expressed worry about how much I do because they know I'm happy to keep going all the time'

Since launching her website in June last year, Chrissi has been inundated with requests

Entrepreneur: Since launching her website in June last year, Chrissi has been inundated with requests

Almost a year on, she has had more than 11,000 visitors to her website. She promises that any job will be seriously considered and the final fee is agreed between her and the employer.

Mrs Sharkey said: ‘Some people have been quite critical about how long they believe it is going to take me to reach my goal.

‘But if the house gets sold I'm sure I’ll find another one I like!’


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